Thursday, July 11, 2013

Facts About Spaying and Neutering

*Between 3-4 million adoptable animals are euthanized in animal shelters because they can't find new homes. Unplanned litters have led to these high numbers in euthanized animals, they could have been prevented by spaying and neutering.
*Spaying and neutering reduces the number of stray animals on the streets.
*Spaying is the removal of a female animal's reproductive organs. Neutering is the removal of a male animal's reproductive organs.
*Pets should be spayed or neutered before 6 months of age for males and before the first heat of a female.
* Spaying and neutering reduces the risk of your pet getting the most common types of cancer. So, fixing your pet will lead to a more healthier and happier life for your pet.
*The surgery can only be performed by licensed veterinarians.
*The cost of spaying or neutering your pet is less than the cost of raising puppies or kittens for a year.
* 78% of dogs and 88% of cats are spayed or neutered.
*Spaying or neutering does NOT make your pet overweight. Overfeeding and the lack of exercise will make your pet gain weight.
*Early neutering prevents aggression in dogs and unwanted marking in the house.


The Facts About Animal Cruelty

*Puppy mills care more about profit then the well being of the animals. Many of the dogs that are in puppy mills are plagued with diseases and are very unhealthy due to the conditions they live in. 
*Every year thousands of healthy greyhounds are killed because they aren't able to race, lack competiveness, and are injured.
* Dog fighting started in the US after the civil war in the 1860's. It was entertainment for police officers and firemen. Today, dog fighting is in all regions of the US. Dog fighting kills thousands of innocent pit bulls and gives them a bad name.
*There are 900-2,000 new cases of animal hoarding each year in the US. A quarter million animals are victims of hoarding.
* Over 100 million animals are killed each year in US laboratories for chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. These animals are monkeys, mice, rats, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and many others. 
*All major circuses have been cited for violating the minimal standards of care by the United States Animal Welfare. 
*Due to genetic manipulation, 90% of broiler chickens have trouble walking.
*The exotic pet trade has killed many animals to be killed prematurely because they are violently removed from their natural homes and it causes a lot of stress. 

* Source: 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is also known as the Aussie. It is a  robust and medium sized dog. They are easy going dogs that have a puppy-like behavior their whole life. They are courageous and make great watch dogs. They are great with children because they love to play. They are attentive, intelligent, and eager to please, making them easy to train. They are gentle with humans. They require a lot exercise and something to keep their mind busy or they will develop behavior problems.Daily walks, bike rides or jogs are needed to keep this dog healthy physically and mentally.  Some Aussies nip at your heels as an act of herding, this behavior must be corrected right away. They are usually not dog aggressive if they are socialized as a puppy. Males dogs are 20-23 inches tall and weigh 50-65 pounds. Females are 18-21 inches tall and are 40-55 pounds. They need to have a large yard and are not recommended too live in apartments. They live 12-15 years. They are easy to groom and are an average shedder. Make sure that when you are looking at puppies that they are not blind or deaf because this is a common health problem in the breed. Some are prone to hip displaysia.

Information is from and images are from Google.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Junefest 2013 at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church

On Friday June 14th my church St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church held their first annual Junefest. We invited everyone in town to come.  It was to raise money to pay off the debt of our new building. I helped with the games with my friend and brother. It was fun and I think we had a good turn out. There was live music, food, games, raffle, silent auction, and a  cake walk. The silent auction and raffle prizes were crazy! The church had so much donated and really huge prizes. It was nice hanging out with fellow parishoners and welcoming people from the community. I don't now how much the church made, but I hope that it was enough to at least pay off some debt!


I bought two goldfish about a year ago and they have grown so much! I  named them both after characters from the TV show LOST. I love the show LOST, it is amazing! The black moor is named Boone(season 1) and the gold one is Penny(Desmond's girlfriend). I bought them from the feed store in town. They are fun to watch and are very easy pets. This picture is not very good haha! Penny looks like her eye is blurred but it's just a smudge on the glass.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Around the House

I have been working hard at my's more pictures.

In Action

Pictures of my pets(and brother) ACTION!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Walk For Life 2013

This year, I decided to go on the 2013 Walk for Life with my church St. Robert Bellarmine. The Walk for Life is a protest against abortion. I am completely pro life, I don't agree with killing innocent babies. Take their hands and not their life, they have a beating heart even though it may not seem like it.These babies are living, flesh and blood, human beings and don't deserve to be killed at all. It says in the Bible "Thou shalt not kill". My friend came along with me on this trip to San Francisco. We hopped on the bus at 6 a.m. on an Saturday morning. It was a very long drive, about 5-6 hours. There were movies playing on the bus to keep us occupied.When we arrived in SF, it was a HUGE city. I didn't expect it to be so big. When we got to the park where the Walk for Life started, it was  packed. There was literally no place to move. You were crammed with a bunch of other people. This makes me proud that so many people agree with life. We out numbered the pro choice people.We listened to the woman and men who regretted lost mother or fatherhood tell their stories. Most of the women deeply regretted their abortions right after having them. They couldn't live a day without thinking of the child they had killed. Then, we listened to the bishops and priests talk. We also listened to women who were forced to have abortions. These stories were terrible to hear. The people telling the stories were sobbing and were just very sad. So then, all of the churches started the walk after the speeches. We walked through the city of San Fran holding signs that said pro life and we yelled pro life! My friend and I made our own posters with pictures of babies and quotes from the Bible, Mother Teresa, and some of  our own. The pro choice people yelled and screamed at us, cursing us Christians and the Bible. At the end we hopped back on the bus and headed home. We got home around 10 p.m. at night. The city of San Francisco was very cool. One problem was it was a week before the Super Bowl and they were selling shirts that said "defeat Baltimore!", I didn't like that so much.

I enjoyed sticking up for those babies.
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