Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Chained Dogs Life

This is a sad video about chained dogs in PA. You can check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SudZpI0z6RU&feature=player_embedded . I got this video off of Dogs Deserve Better website. www.dogsdeservebetter.com .

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Too Hot For Spot

Now that summer is near, we need to take care of our hot dogs and other pets that may get over heated.

Did you know?

  1. When the temperature outside is above 70 degrees, the inside of a parked car can reach 120-175 degrees within minutes even with the windows cracked.

  2. Even in the shade a car can get as hot as an oven.

  3. Even if the air conditioning is on, hot air swiftly replaces the cold.

  4. Animals left in a car can suffer serious , sometimes fatal, heat-stroke.
  5. Dogs sweat only through their footpads and through their mouths by panting.

What You can Do

  1. Never leave an animal parked in the car, even for a few minutes.
  2. Watch for animals in cars on hot days, if the animal doesn't look too well call the humane society.
  3. If a car is parked outside of a large store, ask a manager to make an announcement. Many dogs have been saved by this.
  4. Ask radio stations to make announcements about leaving your dog in a car on the radio.
  5. Dogs aren't the only animals that need a chill in the summer. Birds and rabbits may need your help to cool off too. Look out for dogs on chains or rabbits in cages that look like they may not be getting fresh water daily. Remind the owners politely to fill the animal's water and to make sure they keep it up.You can also make a birdbath out of a baking pan, but make sure that you keep the water clean.

Comic of Being Chained

Find more at http://www.helpinganimals.com/ .Dogs are depending on us to speak up and help them.

A Picture From Kauai

I think that this is a beautiful picture. It is one of my favorites from our trip to Kauai. This picture was taken at a lighthouse that we went to.
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