Monday, December 28, 2009

10 ways to stop Pit bull fighting

"Hey, we need help."
Dog fighting is considered a "sport" to many people. Many pit bulls die from this cruel"sport". We need to make a difference here are 10 ways to help stop this.

1.Support stronger laws.

2. If you see dog fighting,contact a local newspaper or television station to report about it.

3. Write your local law enforcement and tell them they should start investigating dog fighting and make it a priority. Dog fighting is a crime and it should be investigated by the police!

4. If there is someone in your neighborhood trying to fight dogs, contact the police or animal control and give them as much information as possible.

5. Protect your pets from being stolen and brought into the fights.

6. Adopt a pit bull and save his/her life. These dogs make perfect companions.

7. Set a good example to others, tell them how great pit bulls are. Tell them how to properly care for them.

8. Volunteer at your local shelter.

9. Educate others about dog fighting.

10. Teach children about stopping this cruel"sport".

Thank You for making a difference today for a better world tomorrow!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Cockatiel

I figured I would write a little bit about something different. I have a bird named Buttercup and she is a cockatiel. I will post about her later. I am going to write about her breed of bird, the Cockatiel.

Cockatiels live wild in Australia from which they originated from. They are classified as a small cockatoo. They are sweet tempered and are very playful if tame. They can live as long as 30 years. They should be talked to, handled and played with everyday to be healthy. Cockatiels come in a variety of colors the dull feathers are female and the bright are male. They can be taught to speak and imitate things, males are best at this. They can preform tricks also. These birds are fun. My Cockatiel is fun and she is so sweet. I have enjoyed her.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

petcentric - Critter Carols

petcentric - Critter Carols

Come make your dog sing a Christmas Carol!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Who's That Dog?

This is my big book of dogs.
"I hope she doesn't care that I'm looking at this!!! "

I am pretty sure this is the dog.

One day I was reading my book called The Encyclopedia Of Dogs. Wally decided that this book was the book he needed to find his breed. I came in the room and he was on my book looking at it. I grabbed my camera and took some pictures. It was so funny. He must think he is a Jack Russel Terrier because that is the dog he was looking at. That is not his breed,but I guess he thought he would check it out. I guess dogs do read.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Great Dane

Grace Dane the founder of The Three Dog Bakery.

A Great Dane Puppy.

A Great Dane compared to a Chihuahua.

The Great Dane is known as a gentle giant. These dogs are strong, but elegant and have a great personality. They are energetic dogs and are great for families. Like all dogs, they should be supervised around small dogs and young children. They don't require a lot of grooming because they have short hair but giving this dog a bath can be a CHORE. They are working dogs in the AKC. Males are 30 inches tall and females are 28 inches tall. They are good guard dogs,but shouldn't be used only for guarding. This breed NEEDS to be with humans. These dogs are never timid or aggressive. They are playful and patient with children. Adult males can weigh 120 pounds to 200 pounds and females 100-130 pounds. They shouldn't be ran with until they are at least 1 year old because they can suffer from hip displaysia. They can also suffer from bloat, heart disease, tumors and tail injuries. The Great Dane will do well in an apartment if exercised everyday. They are usually best with a large yard though. Most Danes live to be under 10 years old,but if cared for properly and no health problems they can live to as old as 12-13 years old. This breed will be good a good choice if your family has older kids because of the dog's size.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Go Bananas Treats!!!!


3 cups of oatmeal

1 1/4 cups of flour

2 eggs

1/4 cup oil

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup milk

2 mashed bananas


Blend eggs and bananas, mix well. Add flour and oatmeal. Mix similar to cake mix. Spread into a well-greased pizza pan and bake at 320 degrees for about 25 minutes. Cut into tiny squares or strips{optional}. Keep refrigerated or freeze.Dogs give these treats two paws up!!! Enjoy pups!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

End Horse Slaughter!!!!

"Help Us!!!"
Most horses that are at auctions or are sold to auctions aren't finding good homes as one may expect. These horses usually go to slaughter houses. People go to auctions to look for beautiful horses to slaughter so they can get a lot of money!!!! So cruel!!!!! The slaughter person will load as many horses as they can fit in a trailer. They are crammed in there. Once they are loaded in the truck they remain there with no food, water,or rest for a period of time. They are forced to stand in an unnatural position and can't maintain their balance. At the plant they are loaded into crowded pens. Pregnant horses usually don't survive because they don't have the proper nutritional needs. Then they slaughter them for meat. How can people do this to such graceful and beautiful animals? I have no clue. I am telling you not to give your horse to an auctioneer even if they seem like they will find a good home. These auctioneers don't know where the horses will go. They just expect that they are going to a good home. We don't want these animals to become endangered or even worse extinct. Could you imagine? What would be a world without horses. We need to protect them as well as other animals. Read more at the HSUS.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dog Mischief

Bad Girl

The African Grey"Cisco."

Trying to get in there.

We were pet sitting birds for a friend of my dad. Roxy got into a little mischief. She always likes to chase birds and actually tries to hunt them. She was trying to do that when the bird was in the cage. When my dad's friend was watching her for us, she actually got a hold of their African Grey, Cisco. I am happy to report the bird was okay. Here are some pictures of her trying to get to Sunny. What a bad girl.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pug's Pops

This recipie is so simple and is good for a hot doggie day. We live in Hawaii, so our dogs can have them every day of the year. These pops are very nutritious too. Hope your dog will enjoy them.


  • 1 quart of fruit juice

  • 1 banana mashed

  • 1/2 cup yogurt


Mix ingedients together throughly and then freeze. This treat can be eaten by humans too. Enjoy!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Chihuahua

Adult Chihuahua

The Fennec FoxA Chihuahua Puppy

The breed is named after Chihuahua , Mexico where the breed originated from. They grow as tall as 15 inches and weigh up to 6 pounds. They are highly intellengent dogs. They have a big brain for their small bodies. They are know as "purse dogs". It is believed to have originated from the Fennec Fox. They are alert and are good with families that have gentle and patient kids. They do not like the cold weather. They are great for urban living. They do not require a lot of excersise. The short-haired Chihuahuas need little grooming, but the long haired Chihuahuas do need grooming. To be able to be in a dog show the Chihuahua can't be over 6 pounds, can't have docked/ bob tail, and can't have broken down/croppped ears. If you buy a Chiuahua buy from an Animal Shelter or breeder.
Thank You for not buying from a Pet Store. I hope you enjoy your Chihuahua!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Say No to Pet Store Puppies

At any shopping area there is usually a pet store. There is usually a few adorable puppies in the window. People saying," Awwwwwww!!" Children saying," I want that puppy please,please,please!!!!" Puppies put on their puppy faces to make it even harder to resist. The pet store is counting on people like us to not resist these cute puppy faces, sad eyes and little tails wagging saying"Take Me Home. I'm The One You want." Then the employees say" Would you like to hold one?" Then you find yourself in trouble when you get home.
The truth behind all of this: cute puppies, helpful employees, acting like these puppies are so great. The whole beginning of their life is horrible!!!!
Puppy Mills: A Horror Story!!!
Most pet store's get their puppies from puppy mills no matter what they say, unless they have a picture of the dog's parents and the breeder. They usually get these dogs from Puppy Mills in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. That is why pet store puppies are so expensive! There are at least 4,000 puppy mills in the US. They over breed female dogs starting at six months old until they no longer can have puppies (around age five )and then they are disposed. They are put to death and not even buried. They are thrown into a dumpster. Sad huh? There puppies may look clean at the pet store, but at the puppy mill they have oozing sores, maggot infested food, and filthy cages. The cages are cramped, wire stacked on top of each other, living in their own waste and the adult dogs live the same way. These puppies and dogs have never seen a blade of grass and usually don't know how to walk on grass or concrete. They never have chased a ball, slept on a soft surface, or been cuddled by a human. Most likely, they have never had human contact. These puppies are ripped from their mothers at 4 weeks old, crammed into crates and shipped to pet stores to be sold. The puppies most likely will have health problems or aggressive behavior because they have never had human contact. They are also difficult to housebreak because they slept and lived in their own feces before. If you buy a puppy from a pet store, you are supporting these horrible places. If we all stop buying dogs in this way, puppy mills will run out of money and will have to shut down their business eventually.
Once my family bought a Golden Retriever from a pet store or really a puppy mill. He was aggressive and didn't know how to walk on the grass. He bit my hand so hard it became numb. He was probably one of those sad puppies. That is the last time we will buy from a pet store. If you want a puppy, adopt from a breeder or an animal shelter. In both of these environments they have plenty of human contact and grow up in a better environment. They get to stay with their parents until they are at least 8 weeks or older.


Hanging upside down

Sun bathing on a rock.

We caught this little guy in our back yard. He was fun, but of course we released him back into the wild. I am not sure what kind of lizard he is but he was pretty cool. There are alot of lizards in Hawaii. I find one almost everyday. They like it the most in of the gardens. Sorry that the pictures are blurry. I have no clue how or why they took like that. At the end of the day we let him back where he came from and surprisingly he wanted to stay!! We still just pushed him out of the cage. It was fun watching him in the cage. He hung upside down. Closed his eyes and went to sleep for a little while. He was fun while we had him!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Raining Cats and Dogs!!!!!!!

You can adopt puppies from the shelter too.Pit Bull waiting for a home.

Please Spay your female or neuter your male pet[s]. If you spay today you can save a life tommorrow.
Anybody Have a Calculator?
If six cats have six kittens every six months and each of those six kittens every six months. How many cats would you have after 1 year? Answer:2,176,772,336 cats!!! That's alot of cats. There are more homeless animals then we can imagine. 20 million dogs and cats end up in shelters in the United States and never get adopted. Pet shops and breeders are making even more!!!

Did You Know?
Three to five thousand puppies and kittens are born every hour in the United States?
For every person who is born 15 dogs and 45 cats are born?
Animal Shelters take in 27 million lost and abandoned animals every year?
Have females spayed and males neutered so the population of homeless animals stops. This will help also with health problems and wandering off. Your pets should be spayed/neutered as soon as possible (about six months old). This will help with the overpopulation problem we have today. Every litter hurts because a home will be taken away from an animal that is striving for a home at the shelter. The operation is simple and harmless to your pet. They will be asleep so they won't feel anything. Every animal that gets this operation will give an animal in the shelter an opportunity to have a loving home. Thanks for making a difference!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Football Man E

E on the football field mat.

E with his Raven's jersey and helmet

The back of his jersey.

E has fun being a "ball ball man" as he calls it. It's so funny how he says it. Here are some pictures of him being a "ball ball man". So he dressed up and was so excited to be like a real football man. He wanted B to dress up too. He would say,"Look, I'm a ball ball man!"

A Dog's Way of Relaxing

This is how my dogs Roxy and Wally relax. Every now and then I see them laying on the floor like this. They must feel very comfortable because sometimes this is how they sleep. It always makes everyone laugh when she does it.

Friends Don't Chain Friends!!!!!!!!!

Friends don't chain friends!!!! Let Dogs inside!!!! Please don't chain your dog. It is one of the worst things you can do to your pet. Dogs become aggressive when they are chained and are very unhappy.You shouldn't chain your dog(s) for more than 1 hour per day.
Dogs are pack animals and need humans to survive. Leaving your dog in the garage or yard on a chain is a very sad thing to do. Instead of chaining your dog while your @ work or not home, buy a crate. Crates are very useful training tools and are cruelty free, as long as your dog doesn't live in the crate. Dogs usually like it in the crate and think of it as a"den". After they are crate-trained. While you're at home and if you get bored, instead of your dog sitting sadly on a chain. Grab the leash and take a walk with your dog. Play fetch or take it to the park. Your dog will thank-you.
If the reason for chaining your dog is because of behavioral issues you could hire a trainer and your dog will be as good as new. Chaining will not help the behavioral problems, it will only make it worse. Thank-you for NOT chaining your dog.

Learn more @ I hope you change your decisions about chaining your dog. I will Thank you, your neighbors and your dog will thank you too.


B doing school. This is my brother B. He is homeschooled like me and is in the 4th grade. He is a great brother.

The Boxer Dog

Adult Boxer

Puppy Boxer

Here are some facts about the Boxer dog.
A boxer is a medium- sized dog. They are very muscular and are short-haired. The adult male can get to about 23-25 inches tall. Females get to be about 23 1/2 inches tall. Males are 60-70 pounds and females 53-65 pounds. These dogs are intellegent and are easy to train. They are high-spirited, playful, curious and just happy dogs.They get along really well with children and are great family dogs. They get along with other dogs, but get jealous easily.They are named boxers because they use their front paws for everything. They are good guard dogs, but shouldn't be used for that reason. They have been used for police work and military dogs. Even at an old age these dogs are very energetic. They are puppies forever. They need a lot of exercise without it they are high-strung. Major health problems are hip displasia, skin , and heart problems. They will do good in urban living, if exercised. They easily get over-heated and over-chilled. They live to 11-14 years. They usually have 2-10 puppies in a litter. Boxers shed a lot, so grooming is required. They are in the working group. Boxers are clownish and are very fun dogs.
I have a boxer and I think she is the best dog I've had. I hope if you get a boxer you will have a great experience with him/her. Don't buy a boxer from a pet store. You will most likely have a bad experience with a dog from a pet store. Get your boxer from an animal shelter or breeder.

Attention All Animal Adopters On Oahu

Are you looking for a dog,cat,puppy or kitten? Adopt from the Oahu SPCA or OSPCA. On July 18, 2009 this shelter had a BIG rescue. They had to rescue more than 200 birds,135 dogs, and 100 cats from a lady's house in Waianae. The HSUS Humane Society of the United States came to the island to help with this rescue. They have had some adoptions, but still need to find homes for more animals. They also would like volunteers if anyone would like to help. You can go to thier website @ to see the animals that are available and read some other rescue stories. There are also adoption, foster, and volunteer applications on their website.
If you don't want a older dog they also have puppies and kittens available.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Talking to Grandma. Silly Pictures- Fish faces E did a good job. It was so funny seeing him doing it.

E is my little brother. He is 2yrs old and is a part of my human pack. He's a silly little guy.

Doggie Model- Roxy

I'm so pretty!
The other night I dressed Roxy up in my shirt- she was my doggie model. She smiled at the camera!!!! It was so silly that I had to share. She likes it when I take her picture. If I don't she gets upset. See if you can see her smile. Goofy dog!


Stealing Roxy's crate for a nap
Outside enjoying the Hawaiian weather.

Watching his sister Roxy run around - crazy dog.

Wally is also a dog in my family. .He is a fox terrier/maltese mix. He is 2 years old. He is sweet and affectionate and loves his sister Roxy. He acts like an old dog but if you play with he will let out his inner puppy spirit. He is a fun dog. He has long hair and needs a hair cut every once in a while. He requires a lot of grooming, but loves it. He is a part of my pack.


What's that I hear?
Ahhh I nice relaxing nap


This is Roxy my boxer mix. She is sweet and loyal. We bought her at the North Shore. She lived on a farm with a bunch of other boxers. Her litter was an accident. The breeder usually bred purebred boxers but her neighbors dog got into her yard and that is how we got Roxy. We don't know what she is mixed with but were told she is lab mixed with boxer. She doesn't look like it though. She is an active dog and is fun to play with. She is a part of my pack.

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