Here are some facts about the Boxer dog.
A boxer is a medium- sized dog. They are very muscular and are short-haired. The adult male can get to about 23-25 inches tall. Females get to be about 23 1/2 inches tall. Males are 60-70 pounds and females 53-65 pounds. These dogs are intellegent and are easy to train. They are high-spirited, playful, curious and just happy dogs.They get along really well with children and are great family dogs. They get along with other dogs, but get jealous easily.They are named boxers because they use their front paws for everything. They are good guard dogs, but shouldn't be used for that reason. They have been used for police work and military dogs. Even at an old age these dogs are very energetic. They are puppies forever. They need a lot of exercise without it they are high-strung. Major health problems are hip displasia, skin , and heart problems. They will do good in urban living, if exercised. They easily get over-heated and over-chilled. They live to 11-14 years. They usually have 2-10 puppies in a litter. Boxers shed a lot, so grooming is required. They are in the working group. Boxers are clownish and are very fun dogs.
I have a boxer and I think she is the best dog I've had. I hope if you get a boxer you will have a great experience with him/her. Don't buy a boxer from a pet store. You will most likely have a bad experience with a dog from a pet store. Get your boxer from an animal shelter or breeder.
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