Saturday, April 5, 2014

Book Review: Annexed

If you enjoyed Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young Girl you will most likely enjoy Annexed by Sharon Dogar. Take a journey through the boy who was annexed with Anne Frank, Peter Van Pel’s eyes. As a reader, you will experience what it was like to be in hiding with Anne Frank during World War II. Peter and his family has lost everything, but must fight to stay alive under Hitler’s rule.
Follow Peter as he hates Anne Frank at first, but slowly falls in love with her as they grow closer. Peter takes us beyond Anne Frank’s diary and into the Nazi prison camps. Hear Peter’s thoughts about Anne and World War II. Learn what it was like to be a persecuted Jew during World War II in this gripping and emotional novel.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. I thought this book was well written and very entertaining. Buy it here! It is on Kindle for $5.99 or in paperback for $7.95. Enjoy!

Book Review: The Lovely Bones

Meet Susie Salmon, a sweet, innocent 14 year old girl who was raped and brutally murdered by her next door neighbor. She watches from heaven as the people she loves search frantically for her, trying to solve the mystery of her disappearance. In heaven, she watches over her friends, family, and murderer and tells the tragedy of her life. Will Susie ever be able to let go of the life she left behind on earth? Will her family ever find out who murdered their beloved daughter? Will her murderer ever pay for what he did?
Find out in the thrilling, suspenseful novel titled The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Be captivized within the first three pages. Read as you watch the characters develop and you hear Susie’s pain as she tells the story.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspenseful and mysterious stories. I enjoyed this story and highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good read.Click here to buy it for $4.24. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Book Review: Divergent

I know the Divergent series are starting to make their way to the big screen and many people want to read the books, but aren't sure if they are any good. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the series a couple of years ago and couldn't put the book down. My head was constantly behind the book with my bedroom door shut as I took an adventure through Tris' life as a divergent. Divergent  series is a young adult novel by Veronica Roth. This novel takes place in a dystopian world where there is 5 factions in which 16 year olds are placed after taking a test that determines where they will fit the best. One has to dedicate the rest of their lives in their given faction.The 5 factions are Candor(the honest), Dauntless(the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Abnegation(the selfless), and the Erudite(the intelligent). However, Tris isn't like the rest, she's divergent. Divergent people are in serious danger and are often immediately put to death. Tris must keep the secret and  be aware of who  her true friends are as she chooses Dauntless as her faction and tries to live a normal life. If you are going through a  Hunger Games withdrawal(yes, I did), then you will most likely enjoy Divergent. You will fall in love with the well created characters who are real and you can feel what they are feeling. Divergent is action packed and will never cease to keep you occupied and your heart racing. You can buy this book on Kindle for $4.99 or but it on for as low as $5.49. Here is the amazon link

Book Review: Ender's Game

Recently, I have read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.I recommend that you read this book before you see the movie, if you  haven’t seen the movie yet. If you have seen the movie, I still believe that it is worth reading. This science fiction book will encapture the reader within the first ten pages. Take a journey into six year old Ender Wiggin’s life as he journeys from earth to outer space. It is set in the future during a time when children are sent to space in order to train to become military leaders so they can prevent the dreaded “buggers” from attacking earth once again. Ender is an unusually brilliant child who lives with his parents, his violent brother Peter, and his beloved sister Valentine. Ender was drafted to attend Battle School and had to leave his family for the first time. He fears that he will become like his brother, so he tries his best to maintain a balance between compassion and violence. Despite being a loner amongst the other students, he develops into a strong leader. Could he be the long awaited general to fight the buggers? Ender’s Game is a winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards. I would rate this book as a 4.5 out of 5. If you enjoy sci-fi or action packed stories, I guarantee that this book is the perfect fit for you. The reader can easily connect with Ender’s character and sympathize with him through his hard times and feel happy for him during his good times. You can buy it on Kindle for $3.99 or for as low as $4.82 on Click on the link to buy this book now!
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