Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cruel Chicken Factories

Billions of chickens are raised in factories each year in the U.S. Hundreds of millions of chickens never go outdoors. They live in dark, rank smelling egg factories. They are jammed together in tiny cages. They can't even stretch a wing. This is very sad. They are covered in sores and the eggs they lay go right onto a conveyor belt. They are never raised by their mothers, as a matter of the fact they never even knew them. They aren't allowed to live naturally. When we eat chickens we sometimes get the stomach flu because they lived in factories where they were not living healthily. So keeping them in these factories is not doing us any good. Turkeys, geese and ducks also live in these conditions. Thousands of chickens are being killed right now as you're reading this. Don't buy anything with real feathers. Chickens and other birds died for those items. Go to to learn more about chickens. Also for information on factory farmed chickens go to: , Farm Animal Welfare Network 's (FAWN) website. You can write to FAWN @ P.O box 40, Holmfirth HD9 3YY,UK. I know they are just chickens, but they are also a life. God created them to live a happy life on earth and He created us to care for them, not kill them. So please help the chickens today!!!
I found this information in the book: 50 Awesome Ways Kids Can Help Animals( Fun and Easy Ways to be a Kind Kid) by Ingrid Newkirk.
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